Monday, November 07, 2005

Michael Moore... Eat This! :)

Un-friggin'-believable! In today's Ecosystem by TTLB, which orders - in a sort of evolutionary scale - blogs from all around the world counting inbound links, The Right Nation (since a few months among the Large Mammals, after a whole life spent fighting with molluscs, reptiles and rodents) surpassed Michael Moore's blog! Clicking on the fat bastard's image you can see a screenshot of today's chart, before the evil liberal forces take over again. P.S. We want to use these 5 seconds of auto-celebration also to heartily thank Ludovico Magnocavallo of, author of Top 100 of Italian Blogs according to Technorati, who solved (manually) some problems with Technorati's API (don't ask me what's that, I have no idea) which stopped The Right Nation to hold its place in the chart. After Moore, also Beppe Grillo is trembling! :)

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