Thursday, November 17, 2005

Good Night, Italy

First we read in Mario Sechi’s blog that “white phosphorus was never used against Falluja’s civilians. This was explained to American press by one of Pentagon’s spokesmen, col Barry Venable. He denied the report by RaiNews24 that pretends that phosphorus was used against civilians”. Let’s listen to the audio interview of Venable and actually his position doesn’t seem to leave room to any misunderstanding. Without taking in account, of course, that the rubbish of Morrione and comrades was abundantly torn in pieces, also in Italy, by the tenacious work of reporting of some excellent bloggers (above all Wellington, Heraklitos, I Diavoli Neri and Grendel from the Moor) and some isolated analysts (Andrea Nativi on Il Giornale). Later on, at night time, zapping on Tv, we hear (and watch) RaiNews24’ s anchorman in duty (but do they make a special contest to hire the ugliest ones?) stating with no irony: “The Pentagon admitted: RaiNew24’s report said the truth. Major international networks are echoing the news.” Following, a delirious interview to Giuliana Sgrena. Good night, Italy.

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