Friday, March 10, 2006

Hollywood's Bubble

An amazing Peggy Noonan on the Wall Street Journal. She writes about Hollywood, George Clooney ("Boy in a Bubbble") and normal people leading real lives. A must-read.

"(...) Most Americans aren't leading media, they're leading lives. It would be nice to see a new respect in Hollywood for the lives they live. It would be nice to see them start to understand that rediscovering the work of, say, C.S. Lewis, and making a Narnia film, is not "giving in" to the audience but serving it. It isn't bad to look for and present good material that is known to have a following. It's a smart thing to do. It's why David O. Selznick bought "Gone With the Wind": People were reading it. It was his decision to make it into a movie from which he would profit that gave Hattie McDaniel her great role. Taboos are broken by markets, not poses".

UPDATE. Maybe Spitbull is right: Mark Steyn's article is even better.

Round-Up: The Corner (NRO), Dr. Sanity, The Astute Blogger, Clive Davies, Shot In The Dark, SCSU Scholars, Neptunus Lex, Relapsed Catholic, To the Point, The Bullwinkle Blog, Carry On America.

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