Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Versus the Press

Silvio Berlusconi (at "Porta a Porta") and George W. Bush (at the year-end news conference) hit hard against the Italian and the American press. They both seemed to us in a very good shape, even if they are two leaders on the edge of sunset. As the press says.

Bush Round-Up: Michelle Malkin, Captain's Quarters, PoliPundit, California Yankee, PowerLine, The Political Pit Bull, Instapundit, AnkleBitingPundits, The Strata-Sphere, Hugh Hewitt, Suitably Flip, Ace of Spades HQ, Sister Toldjah, BrothersJudd Blog, Gateway Pundit, Joe's Dartblog, Suitably Flip, The Noonz Wire, Kokonut Pundits, The Volokh Conspiracy.

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